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Develop plugins

GoQuorum uses HashiCorp's go-plugin library to enable a plugin-based architecture using gRPC.

We recommend reading the go-plugin gRPC examples. Some advanced topics not available in the go-plugin documentation are covered in this page.


Each plugin starts as a separate process and communicates with the GoQuorum client host process via the gRPC service interfaces, over a mutual TLS connection on the local machine. The implementation is inside the go-plugin library.

Developing plugins in Go is simplest. For plugins written in other languages, plugin authors must understand the following lifecycle:

  1. geth looks for the plugin distribution file after reading the plugin definition from settings.
  2. geth verifies the plugin distribution file integrity.
  3. geth generates a self-signed certificate (client certificate).
  4. geth spawns the plugin with the client certificate.
  5. The plugin imports the client certificate and generates a self-signed server certificate for its RPC server.
  6. The plugin includes the RPC server certificate in the handshake.
  7. geth imports the plugin RPC server certificate.
  8. geth communicates with the plugin via RPC over TLS, using mutual TLS.

Each plugin must implement the PluginInitializer gRPC service interface. After the plugin process starts and establishes a connection with the GoQuorum client, GoQuorum invokes the Init() gRPC method to initialize the plugin with data from the plugin configuration file, detailed below.

Configure plugins

GoQuorum can load plugins from:

  • A JSON file specified using the --plugins command line option.
  • An Ethereum TOML configuration file specified using the --config command line option.

Configuration files

You can specify the plugin configuration file with the following content.

"baseDir": string,
"central": object(PluginCentralConfiguration),
"providers": {
<string>: object(PluginDefinition)
baseDirThe local directory from where GoQuorum reads plugins. The default is <datadir>/plugins. To read from an arbitrary environment variable, for example MY_BASE_DIR, provide the value env://MY_BASE_DIR.
centralA configuration of the remote Plugin Central.
providersThe supported plugin interfaces mapped to their respective plugin provider definitions.
<string>The plugin interface, for example helloworld.


Plugin integrity verification uses the GoQuorum Plugin Central Server by default. You can modify this section to configure your own local Plugin Central for plugin integrity verification.

"central": {
"baseURL": string,
"certFingerprint": string,
"publicKeyURI": string,
"insecureSkipTLSVerify": bool,
"pluginDistPathTemplate": string,
"pluginSigPathTemplate": string
baseURLThe remote plugin central URL. For example,
certFingerprintThe HTTP server public key fingerprint, in hex, used for certificate pinning.
publicKeyURIThe path to the PGP public key used for signature verification.
insecureSkipTLSVerifyIf true, GoQuorum doesn't verify the server's certificate chain and host name.
pluginDistPathTemplateThe path template to the plugin distribution file. The value is a Go text template. The variables are {{.Name}}, {{.Version}}, {{.OS}}, and {{.Arch}}.
pluginSigPathTemplateThe path template to the plugin sha256 signature file. The value is a Go text template. The variables are {{.Name}}, {{.Version}}, {{.OS}}, and {{.Arch}}.


You can define each supported plugin and its configuration in this section.

"providers": {
<string>: {
"name": string,
"version": string,
"config": file/string/array/object
nameThe name of the plugin.
versionThe version of the plugin.
configThe JSON configuration. The value can be:
  • One of the following URI schemes: The path to the plugin configuration file. For example, file:///opt/plugin.cfg. The configuration as an environment variable. For example, env://MY_CONFIG_JSON.
    To indicate the value is a file location, append ?type=file. For example, env://MY_CONFIG_FILE?type=file.
  • An arbitrary JSON string.
  • A valid JSON array. For example, ["1", "2", "3"].
  • A valid JSON object. For example, {"foo" : "bar"}.
  • Distribute plugins

    File format

    A plugin distribution file must be a ZIP file. The file name format is <name>-<version>.zip. <name> and <version> must be the same as the values defined in the PluginDefinition object in the configuration file.


    A plugin metadata file plugin-meta.json must be included in the distribution ZIP file. plugin-meta.json contains a valid JSON object with key value pairs.

    The following key value pairs are required:

    "name": string,
    "version": string,
    "entrypoint": string,
    "parameters": array(string),
    nameThe name of the plugin.
    versionThe version of the plugin.
    entrypointThe command to execute the plugin process.
    parametersThe command parameters to be passed to the plugin process.

    Example plugin

    Follow the HelloWorld plugin tutorial for an example.

    Plugin interface definitions

    You can view the gRPC definitions for the initialization interface, HelloWorld plugin interface, account plugin interface, and security plugin interface.

    Advanced topics for non-Go plugins

    View the go-plugin GitHub for a guide on developing non-Go plugins.

    Some additional advanced topics are described here.

    A magic cookie key and value are used as basic verification that a plugin is intended to be launched. This is a UX feature, not a security measure.

    Set the magic cookie key and value as an environment variable while executing the plugin process:


    The plugin and the GoQuorum client's magic cookies are compared. If they are equal then the plugin is loaded. If they aren't equal, the plugin should show human-friendly output.

    Mutual TLS authentication

    The GoQuorum client requires each plugin to authenticate and secure its connection via mutual TLS. The PLUGIN_CLIENT_CERT environment variable is populated with the GoQuorum client certificate (in PEM format).

    Each plugin must include this certificate to its trusted certificate pool, generate a self-signed certificate, and append the base64-encoded value of the certificate (in DER format) in the handshake message.